Sunday, 15 July 2012

[W8_7 July] Term3 Mid Crit

Develpment of Barter Network

The Products Bartering already happend in Greece and ‘potato revolution’ also happen without support of the State, but just happend in the public space or spacious place such as stadium. The next stemp of the Bartering is the Skill Barter Network which can barer knowledge, labor and experience, and occupying the abandoned place which can use for bartering. Finally, bartering the permanent or semipermanent value such as tools and space is the last step which can help more people to participate the bartering system and more diverse goods
and method can be bartered.

Typology of Athens Road Hierachy

It is widely accepted that the road is the blood vassel of the city; there for the main road named ‘arterial road ‘. The most basic step of understanding of the city is understaing the road system this is because accessibility, transportation, density and flaw of movemnt can be found through the road system. In this project, which is needed to make a rule to make place for bartering depend on the type of goods, quantity and user; therefore the Road Hieracy can be the basic element to make the guideline for the barter network. Gerani has not only the best accessibility in the athens but also diverse road hieracy. Hence , it can be the ideal place to make the guide line.

Block & Polykatoikia

Due to the urban planning policy of the Greece government policy and capitalism system , the grid pattern and the Polykatoikia ( typical building of Greece) spreaded rapidly throughout the whole Athens after the War. The small open sapce in the block are created due to the Architecture regulation (the building-to-land ratio); however, the space usucally do not use or illegal buidlings are made. In polykatoikia, there are some basic genotypes such as stoa, balcony and set-back are, and 4 kinds of polykatoikia are categorized depend on the genotypes. The charateristics that I mentioned are important elements to make guide line as well.


Depend on the element - road hierachy, open space in and out side of the block, side walk, arcade, genotypes of polikatoikia and 4 kind of polikatoikia-, the guide line is dedsiged. 10 types are categorized and each have their appropriate type of goods , programs, and role which can vitalized the Bartering System in Athens.

 Practical Barter Network

1.Primary Barter Network_PRODUCTS
Products bartering is the most basic but most complex type as the whole process can be used the other kind of bartering. Each process has type, scale and place depend on the guideline

2. Secondary Barter Network_SKILLS
The Skill Bartering can be the starting point for Homeless or unemployed people who do not have money or stuff which can barter. Ex-experience people can barter their own skill or experience to get food; eventhough homeless who do not have any skill also can get daily necessities by bartering using their simple labor.

3. Tertiary Barter Network_TOOLS / SPACE
Space can have diverse functions. For example, a private room in upperfloor can use for not only tutorial space for skill bartering but also pop-up terrace cafe during daytime when owner working.

 Truck Barter Network

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